Post 9 (Week 9)

For this week I'd read Blueberry: Chihuahua pearl. It is a comic by Charlier Moebius, and I quickly fell into reigns of this cowboy comic. Following the story of Lieutenant Blueberry as he finds himself on a secret mission trying to locate the mysterious reappearance of a civil war money Stache. It was a moderate read, with 100 action packed pages. The arrangement of panels and action reminded me of the Phantom once again, with its linear and uniform pattern to the arrangement of the panels. The Comic itself derives from some of the motifs of the cowboy western, including the long, beautiful shots of the scenery and environments, the gun slinging fights on horseback, and the central plot racked with danger.

This comic felt like the spaghetti western herded into a collection of pages, with the galloping lines further lengthening the mystery at its start. The color pallet was relatively simple yet effective, with the line work creating a sense of comic realism. This would be a comic I’d love to see remastered with the new Photoshop painting techniques to see if a bit more of that spaghetti western style could be pulled out.  The shift of hues from the bright yellows, oranges, and reds for the daylight to the purples and blues for the nighttime served a dual purpose to me, it was a nice breakup of color for the panels but also conveyed the darkness of the nighttime scenes. As the scenes would change, the colors within the scenes would change accordingly, a nice touch to help show the progression of time.


EUROPEAN COMICS ARTISTS ARE AWARE OF WHATS GOING ON. Harris comic section- comic introduction for europeans. Rodolphe Topffer 1799-1846- Monseur Vieuxbois, Obidaiah Oldbuck,
Marie Duval- Isabelle Emilie De Tessier 1847-1890
George Colomb "Christophe"- 1856-1945
his work- The Famille Fenouillard- 1889-1893
Caran D'Ache- Emmanuel Poirep 1858-1909
Le Rire
Les Pieds Nickeles (Slackers)
Coeurs Calliants (Valiant Hearts) Est- 1929 (tin tin makes appearance)
Ames Vaillantes (Valiant Souls)
Adventures of TINTIN- 1929-1983
Georges Remi "Herge" 1907-1983
Lineaclaire comic style
TinTin in many languages, including non-existant language
Iconic Character, photorealistic background
The Ligne Claire- the clear line, Herge invention, this style uses same line quaility, naturalistic colors, and photorealistic backdrops
Clean-cut character style- tin tin is a boyscout
Marcinelle School- Motion vs Schematic
Bandes Dessinees- The Ninth Art- french declare comics as the ninth art
subject to grants in the arts, support from the gov't, equal stance to dance, painting, other arts.
Asterix- 1959-present
Started by Rene Goscinny and Albert Uderzo
cultural/political satire of european culture
theme park based on it- parc asterix
Peyo Pierre Culliford- 1928-1992- "Smurfs"
The Smurfs 1958-present
Hugo Pratt- 1927-1995- italian comic artist, born in ethiopia (italy was a colonialist power at time)
work: Pilote- 1959
Johnny Hallyday- French elvis
pratt inspired by chiarascuro
Corto Maltese 1967
fumetti- little smokes- comics that were adventures shot through still photos used as individual panels
"the white sheik"
a neat film playing on fumetti
Alberto Breccia- 1919-1993
Solano Lopez- 1928- 2011
Guido Crepax Creepas) 1933-2003
Valentina (1967)  crepas work
"Moebius" Jean Giraud 1938-2012
Metal Hurlant 1974-1987- Les Humanoides Associes
Enki Bilal- 1951- present
Tannio Liberatore 1953- present
- preceded new wave movement, heavy body modification, colored hair
Daniel Torres- 1958-present- he is part of barcellona movement of artist
Alejandro Jodorosky 1929-present Made Dune series
L' Association 1990
-New Wave Franco-Belgian Comics:
focused on books instead of magazine
David B 1959- present
Peirre-francois "David" Beauchard
Guy Delisle- comic artist and animator
works- pyongyang, Burma Chronicles, Jerusalem, A user's guide to neglectful parenting
Marjane Satrapi- 1968-present
works: Persepolis


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